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За контакти с нас
0882 999 603

Atali Ltd. was founded in February 1991 and specializes in the trade of stainless steel and related consumables. On the Bulgarian market, the company has established itself as a reliable partner thanks to the high-quality materials it works with and its collaboration with leading global stainless steel manufacturers.
The central warehouse of Atali Ltd. is located in Plovdiv, at 145 Brezovsko Shose Street. In its pursuit to meet the needs of its customers, the company maintains a wide range of stainless steel materials and offers comprehensive solutions covering the full production cycle for their application.
Atali Ltd. provides the supply of special grades of stainless steel, as well as materials with non-standard dimensions tailored to your specific requirements.
By choosing us, you are opting for high-quality products, security, and a reliable partner for the success of your business!
You can contact us at:
0882 999 603
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